
En mouvement et en parole aussi - Moving and talking a lot as well

Vous allez maintenant le voir en mouvement et en paroles: il est bavard comme une pie ces jours-ci et roule roule roule sur son nouveau tapis... il adore quand son Daddy l'aide a se mettre debout ou essaie meme tout seul de s'echapper de son parc! Et il a 8 mois aujourd'hui!!!
You will now see Oscar moving and talking: he is very talkative these days and roll and roll again on his new rug... he loves when his Daddy helps him to stand up or tries on his own to escape out of his playpen! And he is 8 months old today!!!

1 comment:

Nadia Elise Connelly said...

Allez, Oscar! Wow, you sound fluent already - that's very impressive. So have you set up an IT helpdesk in Holland then? It's just that I have this problem with the computer in the hospital in England as it keeps saying I'm unwell but I'm sure it's a bug in the programme. Shall I just reboot?
Lots of love, Naddy xx