
Le 1er Noel d'Oscar en Auvergne - Oscar's 1st Christmas in the Auvergne

Oscar a passe son 1er Noel en Auvergne. On a commence par avoir la visite de mes amies, avec leurs petits bout-choux (Patricia et Olivier avec Elise, Nadege et Stephane avec Theo), on a ensuite dine avec Carine et Alban avec Anthony et Hermione, Myriam et Denis avec ???, et enfin Magali qui est venue nous voir jusqu'aux confins de l'Auvergne... Nous avons ensuite rendu visite a Aurelie et Sebastien: Oscar a revu sa petite-cousine Jeanne avec plaisir. Puis Meme Berthe, qui etait en pleine forme et qui s'est beaucoup amuse des explorations d'Oscar! Puis Meme Germaine et Tonton Gerard, qui ont eu la brilliante idee d'ouvrir une vraie caverne d'Ali-Baba pour Oscar: le placard des casseroles! Enfin, le grand moment: le 1er Noel. Oscar a -presque- tout seul ouvert ses cadeaux, a participe au repas de Noel et a bien profite de ses cousins Raphael et Irene.
Oscar spent his 1st Christmas in the Auvergne. We started with the visit of some friends, together with their little ones: Patricia and Olivier with Elise, Nadege and Stephane with Theo. Then we went for dinner with Carine and Alban, with their little ones Anthony and Hermione, and with Myriam, Denis and ???. Then Magali came to see us in Ambert. We went round to see Aurelie and Sebastien, and Oscar was really pleased to see their daughter Jeanne. Then Grandma Berthe, who was on top form and who was happy to see Oscar exploring her room! Then Grandma Germaine and Gerard, who had the great idea of opening up a real Ali Baba's cave for Oscar: the pan cupboard! Finally, the big moment: Oscar's first Christmas day. Oscar opened his presents (almost on his own), joined us for Christmas dinner and had a really great time playing with his cousins Raphael and Irene.


Oscar a 10 mois - Oscar is 10 months old

Oscar a maintenant 10 mois: au dernier compteur, il pese 8.250 kg et mesure 70 cm, c'est-a-dire une croissance normale mais pas tres rapide! Il faut dire qu'il est trop occupe a developper ses competences plutot que de grandir. Oscar se met debout tres facilement tout seul maintenant (regardez-le dans son parc qui s'impatiente!), il joue debout appuye sur la table basse, perfectionne meme son hollandais, il range (ou plutot derange) les DVD, etc... En tout cas, il est fin pret pour partir en vacances chez ses grands-parents: il peut partir tout seul en poussant sa voiture et a deja boucle sa valise!
Oscar is now 10 months old: at the last visit, he weighed 8.250 kg and measured 70 cm, which is normal but quite a slow growth! We have to say that he is too busy developping his skills rather than growing. Oscar can pull himself up easily now (look at him in his playpen getting impatient!), he plays leaning on the lounge table, even improves his Dutch, tiedies (well... in his own way) the DVD's, etc. Well, he is ready to go on holiday to his grand-parents: he can leave on his own by pushing his car and has already finished packing his suitcase!