
Et un mariage pour finir! - And finally a wedding!!!

Le dernier evenement de cette semaine auvergnate etait le mariage de Celine et Christophe! Une premiere pour Oscar qui a adore cette journee et dont il parle encore tres regulierement. Les maries bien sur, la sortie de l'eglise avec le riz et les "vive les maries!", les motos rugissantes, la voiture decapotable des maries, la deco de table, etc... tout lui a semble si excitant!

The last event of this week in the Auvergne was Celine and Christophe's wedding! It was the 1st time Oscar was going to a -french- wedding, and he loved this day. He is still mentioning it regularly. The bride and groom, the things we throw outside of the church with a loud "congratulations!", the roaring motocycles (as the married couple is keen on motocycles), the open-top car of the married couple, the arrangements on the diner tables, etc... everything seemed so exciting!

Et excitant aussi de se coucher a 23h30!
And also very exciting to go to bed at 11.30pm!


5eme visite: Myriam, Carine... et Cie! - 5th visit: Myriam, Carine... & Co!

Notre visite suivante etait chez Myriam et Denis, ou une foule nous attendait!!! Les 3 "vieilles"copines reunies, ca fait maintenant 10 personnes en tout! Ce petit monde s'est bien amuse, ils ont eu droit a une petite seance de Pere Noel avant l'heure, et meme si on dirait qu'Oscar avait mal commence avec Antoine (il a l'air un peu menacant sur la 1ere photo!), il etait ensuite tres gentil et calin avec lui!

Our following visit was at Myriam & Denis', where a crowd was waiting for us!!! Now when the 3 "old friends" meet for diner, it is 10 people all together! Everybody enjoyed a nice evening, the children were spoiled like if we would have been at Christmas. Even if on the 1st picture, you could believe that Oscar was a bit mean with Antoine, he was not... he was quite nice and cuddly with him actually!

4eme visite: la charmante Elise - 4th visit: the charming Elise

Notre visite suivante a ete pour Elise et ses parents: je crois qu'on peut dire que ces deux-la feraient un tres beau couple plus tard! Regardez comme ils sont mignons!!! Ils ont mis un peu de temps a s'adapter mais ils ont ensuite bien jouer ensemble.

Our following visit was for Elise and her parents: I think we can say that they would form a very nice couple in a few years! They are so cute together!!! It took a little bit of time before they get used to each other, but then they played very nicely together.

3eme visite: Louis a La Collange! - 3rd visit: Louis in La Collange!

Puis Louis, Helen & Murray nous ont fait le plaisir de venir passer 2 jours a La Collange, comme nous n'avions pas pu nous voir en Angleterre. Oscar et Louis se sont tres bien entendus et ont beaucoup joue ensemble! Vous allez voir ci-dessous que tout y est passe: le jardinage, la bataille de pistolets a eau, le velo, la moto, le tracteur...
Then Louis, Helen and Murray came to visit us in La Collange as we couldn't see each other the week before in England: it was great! Oscar and Louis played very well together. Look below, they had lots of differents games to play with: gardening, water game, bicycle, motobike, tractor...

Et Irene n'a pas ete en reste!
Irene had a nice time as well on the tractor!

Quelques jeux a l' interieur... ce qu'Oscar n' a l' air que de moyennement apprecier!!!
Some indoor games... which don't seem to really please Oscar!!!

Et quelques petites visites: le marche d'Ambert, le plan d' eau, etc.
And a few visits in the neighborhood: the food market in Ambert, the artificial lake, etc.


2eme visite chez Aurelie & Seb' - 2nd visit at Aurelie & Sebastien's

Notre 2eme visite s'est faite sous le soleil chez Aurelie et Sebastien. Jeanne et Paul etaient tous aussi contents qu'Oscar de se revoir, meme s'il y a eu quelques "frictions" entre nos 3 tetes de mule!

Our 2nd visit was at Aurelie and Sebastien's house, on a very sunny day. Jeanne and Paul were very happy to see Oscar again, so was he! There were still some small arguments between our 3 - sometimes stubborn - little ones!

Et puis, le beau temps nous a permis de profiter de la belle piscine, et Jeanne nous a epate en sautant dans l'eau comme une vraie grenouille: meme pas peur! Oscar est loin d'en etre la, meme s'il apprecie de plus en plus la piscine.
With the very nice weather, we were able to enjoy the nice swimming pool, and Jeanne surprised us with how she was jumping in the water, like a little frog! Oscar is far from doing the same, even if he enjoys more and more being in the water.

Et apres l'effort, le reconfort, un 4 heures plein d'eclats de rire et de jeux complices!
After so much effort, a nice drink and some funny games!


1ere visite a la sortie de l'avion! - 1st visit just after we arrived!

La 1ere visite a ete Nadege et Martin, qui sont gentiment venus nous chercher a l'aeroport, et nous ont invite a diner. Une surprise nous attendait: Aurelie et Seb, Jeanne et Paul etaient aussi venus nous attendre!!! Nous avons passe un tres bon moment, je crois que les petits ont encore plus adore l'apero que les grands!

The 1st visit was Nadege & Martin, who kindly came to pick us up at the airport and who invited us for diner. We had also a surprise: Aurelie and Sebastien, Jeanne and Paul were there as well!!! We had a very nice time, and the little ones enjoyed the aperitif, even more than the adults I think!

La seule photo ou j'ai pu capture les 3 remue-menages en meme temps!
The only picture where I could have the 3 wriggle bottoms at the same time!


Profiter, aussi en Auvergne - Enjoy, also in the Auvergne

Notre 2eme semaine de vacances s'est donc passe en Auvergne, ou Oscar a retrouve ses cousin et cousine, Raphael et Irene, avec grand plaisir, Tonton et Tata, ses Memes et bien sur Papy et Mamie. Ils ont ete un peu surpris au debut car Oscar a mis un jour avant de completement integrer que nous etions dans un environnement francophone: il continuait de parler anglais... puis il s'est vite adapte. L'emploi du temps de la semaine etait tres charge avec de nombreuses visites et meme un mariage comme vous allez le voir, mais on a quand meme pu profiter de La Collange.

We spent our 2nd week of holidays in the Auvergne, where Oscar could see again his cousins Raphael and Irene, Uncle David & Auntie Gaelle, his great-grandmas and obviously Papy and Mamie. They were all a bit surprised at the beginning as Oscar didn't quite realized that we changed to a French-speaking environment: he was still speaking English... but then he adjusted himself quite quickly. Our planning for the week was pretty tight with lost of visits and even a wedding as you will see, but we still managed to enjoy being in La Collange.