
Le concert de Noel - Christmas concert

Mardi 14 Decembre, c'etait le concert de Noel. Oscar nous chantait depuis deja des semaines les chansons qui allaient faire partie du concert... c'etait tres drole! Une chanson ou tous les plus petits devaient chanter seuls... aucun n'a laisse echappe un son! Alors que la veille, Oscar chantait a tue-tete!!! Et le fameux "Avez-vous une chambre pour nous?" lorsque Joseph cherche une auberge pour la nuit du 24 Decembre restera celebre... Oscar l'a beaucoup repete et notamment lorsque nous avons ete bloques dans les aeroports lors de vacances de Noel en Europe... a la reception des hotels!

Tuesday 14 December, it was the Christmas concert. Oscar was singing the songs which were going to be part of concert weeks before... it was very funny! One song where all the youngest ones had to sing alone... none of them made a sound! The day before, Oscar was screaming his head off! And the famous "Do you have a room for us?" as when Joseph is looking for a room in an inn on Christmas eve.. Oscar repeated it hundreds of times and he also practiced it when we were blocked in airports during the Christmas holidays in Europe... at the reception of the hotels where we were trying to get in!

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