
Visite a nos voisins du Japon! - Visit to our neighbors from Japan

Et oui, la vie est vraiment incroyable parfois... a Yokohama, nous avions des voisins de palier Gabi et Dave qui ont eu une petite fille Emma lorsque nous habitions la-bas. Puis nous avons quitte le Japon en Juillet 2011, et eux aussi plus ou moins au meme moment... nous nous sommes installes ici a Guildford, et eux se sont installes a... Cobham a 15 km de chez nous!
Ils nous ont invite a un barbecue en ce superbe weekend de Mai et Oscar a eu plaisir a revoir Emma, qui a beaucoup change (bientot 2 ans!) et a rencontrer un de ses copains avec qui il s'est bien amuse (je n'avais pas pense au maillot de bain!)!

Life is really unbelievable sometimes... when we were in Yokohama, our next door neighbors Gabi and Dave had a baby girl Emma. Then we left Japan in July 2011 and they did as well more or less at the same time. We settled in Guildford and they settled in... Cobham only 11 miles away from us!
They invited us at a barbecue on this very sunny weekend and Oscar was pleased to see Emma again, she changed a lot (she will turn 2 soon!) and he was pleased to meet one of her friends with who he had lots of fun (I really didn't think about bringing his swimming costume!)!

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