
Weekend chez Nadia et Rosa - Weekend at Nadia's and Rosa's

Quelques jours plus tard, nous sommes alles passer un petit weekend chez Dave et Sarah qui habitent au nord ouest de Londres. C'etait le carnaval de leur village ou les enfants se sont bien amuses, notamment en dansant la zumba!

A few days later, we've been spending a short weekend with Dave and Sarah who live north west of London. It was carnival in their village and the kids had a great time, especially with the zumba lesson!

Et le soir, nous avons decouvert le disco a la mode Dave, et visiblement Nadia et Rosa ont ete bien entrainees!!! Elles connaissaient plein de chansons disco par coeur!

And in the evening, we discovered the disco session Dave style, and apparently Nadia and Rosa have been well trained!!! They knew lots of disco songs by heart!

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