
1er voyage en France! - 1st trip to France!

Oscar avait meme prepare la liste des choses qu'il voulait faire en vacances! Et croyez le ou non, nous avons tout fait sauf la piscine comme nous avons tous eu un rhume!

Oscar did even prepare a list of what he wanted to do during the holidays! Believe it or not, we did everything except going to the swimming pool, as we managed to all get a cold!

Jules a rencontre son arriere-grand-mere... Jules est son 17eme arriere-petit-enfant! Elle a d'ailleurs fete ses 88 ans!

Jules met his great-grandmother... Jules is her 17th great-grandchild! She actually celebrated her 88th birthday!


Nous avons aussi vu nos amis et famille, notamment Jeanne et Paul avec qui Oscar a tres bien joue, et en francais s'il vous plait!

We also saw friends and family, and notably Jeanne and Paul with who Oscar played very nicely... and in French!


Et puis, c'etait Halloween... nous avons eu la visite de droles de vampires... les voisins, en vacances a la Collange aussi! Oscar a sympathise avec Florian et attend les prochaines vacances avec impatience!

And it was Halloween... we had a visit from strange vampires...the neighbors on holidays in la Collange as well! Oscar played with Florian a lot, he can wait for the next holidays!

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