
C'est pas un poisson d'avril - It's not an april fool

Hier soir, nous sommes alles pour la 2eme visite d'Oscar au "Consultatie Bureau", verdict: 4.970kg et 56cm environ (il ne veut toujours pas deplier ses jambes !). Si bien qu'aujourd'hui, Oscar nous a fait une serie de sourires qui se sont enfin laisses capturer.

Yesterday night, we went for the 2nd visit to the "Consultatie Bureau" and the results are 4.970kg and about 56cm (he still doesn't want to stretch his legs!). Then today, Oscar gave us a series of smiles that we could catch.

Et il sait meme dire au revoir maintenant!

And he even knows how to say goodbye now!

1 comment:

Anne said...

He looks a very happy little boy in these photographs. Lets hope for more of this and less of the stomach cramps.
Lots of love from Grandma