
Rencontre avec Auntie Helen et Louis - Meeting Auntie Helen & cousin Louis

Oscar a fait la connaissance de son plus jeune cousin Louis, 9 mois, venu d'Angleterre pour le voir: au debut, ils ne se regardaient pas trop, puis Oscar se demandait qui cela pouvait bien etre, et enfin il a realise qu'ils allaient bien s'amuser ensemble dans quelques mois! Oscar a aussi rencontre sa Tata Helen, et nous avons bien profite du super beau temps qui regnait sur la Hollande ce weekend...
Oscar met his youngest cousin Louis, 9 months old, who came to see him especially from England: at first, they were not really looking at each other, then Oscar was wondering who was it, and at last he realized that they would have fun together in a few months time! Oscar also met his Auntie Helen, and we all enjoyed the fabulous weather this weekend...

1 comment:

Anne said...

Oscar is looking amazed at the antics of his 'big' cousin.
Love you both very much, Grandma