
Ils se font attendre... - We're still waiting for the cherry blossom

Nous avons voulu voir les fameux cerisiers japonais en fleur aujourd'hui au Negishi Shinrin Park, mais en raison de l'hiver assez froid cette annee, ils sont en retard! On a reussi a en voir 2 quand meme mais on a du braver un vent dechaine!
Today we saw the famous Japanese cherry blossom at the Negishi Shinrin Park. But because of the cold winter weather this year, they are late to flower! We at least managed to see a couple, but we had to brave almost gale force winds!

Sinon, tout se passe bien ici: Oscar nous parle un joyeux melange d'anglais et de francais, avec des phrases completes s'il vous plait, du genre: "what are you doing?", ou "Maman plie le linge", ou meme "Daddy... in the douche"!
Apart from that, everything is going OK here. Oscar is speaking a wonderful mix of English and French, with complete phrases like: "What are you doing?", or "Maman plie le linge", or even "Daddy in the douche" !

Revenons comme promis sur notre mois de Janvier:
As promised, here's a look back on our month of January (hopefully we will catch up on our backlog soon!):
* nous avons eu une derniere visite de Grandma et Grandad a Den Bosch:
Leur sejour a malheureusement mal commence puisqu'Oscar etait tellement content de les revoir, il etait tout excite et il est tombe sur le sol de la cuisine et s'est casse les 2 dents de devant, regardez!
We had a final visit from Grandma and Grandad to Den Bosch:
Unfortunately their visit got off to a bad start, since Oscar was so happy to see them that he got all over-excited and fell on the solid stone floor of the kitchen, and broke his two front teeth. Take a look at the photo below!

alors il a eu droit a sa 1ere visite chez le dentiste (qui n'a meme pas essaye de lui toucher la bouche!)
So he had his first visit to the dentist (who didn't even try to touch his mouth!)

Heureusement, le reste du sejour s'est tres bien passe, avec un super cadeau de Louis, qu'Oscar adore!
Thankfully, the rest of the visit went fine, including a great present from Louis, which Oscar really loves!

Oscar sait se moucher tout seul...
Oscar can blow his nose on his own...

Et prendre des photos tout seul, comme celle-ci, pas mal hein!?
And take photos all on his own, like this one below. Not bad, eh!?

* Puis Oscar a eu la super surprise d'avoir la visite de son Tonton et de son cousin Raphael, venus nous aider pour le demenagement lors d'une courte visite. Les 2 lascards en ont beaucoup profite!
Then Oscar was lucky to have a surprise visit from his uncle David and his cousin Raphael, who came for a quick visit to help us with the removal. Oscar and Raphael were really pleased to see each other!

* Dernier rendez-vous sante aussi avec pas moins de 12kg et 85cm!
Oscar had a last medical check-up at the clinic. His weighed 12kg and measured 85cm!

* Et puis le temps des au-revoirs est arrive... dur dur... il y a eu la fete de depart d' Oscar a la creche, avec sa traditionnelle tractatie (avec des biscuits japonais bien sur!) et une fete musicale, et meme un souvenir de la part de ses nounous preferees!
And then it was time for goodbyes.... really sad. There was Oscar's leaving party at the creche, with the traditional "tractatie" (or gifts..... Japanese biscuits, of course!), some songs, and even a really nice present from his favorite carers at the creche!

* Et un dernier cafe chez Bagels & Beans sur le chemin de la gare pour aller a l' aeroport...
Then a last stop at Bagels & Beans on the way to the station to catch the train to the airport....

* Nous avons ensuite pris le chemin de Yokohama, avec un long vol ou Oscar a ete tres sage, comme vous le savez.
Then we were on our way to Yokohama, with a long-haul flight where Oscar was very well-behaved.

* Et puis l'arrivee dans notre nouvelle maison, un peu vide au debut...
And then the arrival at our new apartment, which was rather empty to start with...

mais avec une belle vue (enfin pour les campagnards, peut-etre pas si belle...?!).
But with a nice view (well, unless you prefer the countryside, in which case it's probably not your cup of tea...!)

A bientot!
See you soon !

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