
Oscar a 3 ans - Oscar is 3 years old

Nous avons fete les 3 ans d'Oscar, a plusieurs reprises, il a adore souffler les bougies!
We celebrated Oscar's 3rd birthday, several times, and he loved to blow his candles!

* A la maison tous les 3 / at home just the 3 of us

* A la maison avec Marion, qui fetait aussi ses 3 ans 4 jours apres Oscar, et les copains de l'ecole
At home with Marion, who was also turning 3, 4 days after Oscar, and friends from school

* A l'ecole ou nous avons suivi la ceremonie Montessori: tous les enfants etaient assis en cercle, Oscar a fait tourner un globe terrestre autour du cercle et d'une bougie placee au milieu pour symboliser chaque annee passee (la terre mettant un an a faire un tour complet du soleil) pendant que je racontais la vie d'Oscar, ou il etait et ce qui lui est arrive chaque annee avec l'aide d'un panneau de photos. Apres avoir tourne 3 fois, Oscar a pu eteindre la bougie puis tout le monde a mange le gateau d'anniversaire que j'avais prepare, en chantant "happy birthday".

At school where we followed the Montessori philosophy: all children were seated in a circle, Oscar was carrying round a globe, with a candle in the middle, to symbolize each year (the earth makes a complete turn around the sun in one year), while I was explaining Oscar's life, where he was and what happened to him, with using a board with pictures. Once Oscar made 3 rounds, he could blow out the candle and everybody could eat a birthday cupcake which I prepared, while singing "happy birthday".

Merci a tous pour vos cartes et vos cadeaux!!!
Thank you to all of you for birthday cards and presents!!!

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