
Premier Noel dans le Nord - First Christmas in the North

C'etait la premiere fois que Jules allait chez Grandma et Grandad ce Noel. Nous avons passe quelques jours agreables en famille et Oscar etait ravi de pouvoir ouvrir 2 tas de cadeaux, les siens et ceux de Jules!

It was the first time Jules was going to Grandma and Grandad's this Christmas. We spent some nice time with the family and Oscar was pleased to be able to open 2 lots of presents, his and Jules'!



De retour a la maison, nous avons trouve encore plus de cadeaux laisses par le Pere Noel, notamment un tres lourd pour Jules... qui etait sa chaise haute! Il a pu en profiter juste apres et depuis il adore s'y assoir pour jouer a la table.

When we came back home, there were yet more presents from Father Christmas... one for Jules was especially heavy, and it was his own high chair! He could enjoy sitting in it straight away and ever since, it became his favorite place to play with his toys at the table.




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