
Decouvrez Oscar a la creche - Let's discover Oscar at the creche

Les nounous ("juffrouw" en Hollandais) de la creche ont gentiment propose de prendre des photos d'Oscar pendant une journee a la creche: decouvrez-le jouant dans le parc, assis a la table et prenant du bon temps dans une balancoire automatique!
The childminders ("juffrouw" in Dutch) at the creche kindly offered to take some pictures of Oscar during a day at the creche: look at him playing in the playpen, sitted at the table and having fun in an automatic rocking chair!


Anne said...

Dear Oscar,
We have missed you a lot since you left us over a week ago and have been looking out for new lovely photographs ever since. - These are lovely. We are really looking forward to seeing you again in Holland next week.
Lots of love,

Nadia Elise Connelly said...

Hey Osky (it looks a bit Polish when I write it like that)! How come your dad can't find a piece of software on the web to turn that video of you the right way 'round? He's supposed to be a membrane-switchboard-web-meister-guru! Good luck with the dutch froufrous (or whatever they're called) - I stuck with it for 12 weeks but now I'm strictly english (albeit with global dialects).
Tot ziens!
Naddynobs x