
Bapteme d'Oscar - Oscar's christening

Le Dimanche de Paques, nous avons donc baptise Oscar en l'eglise de Cottingham, pres du village de Grandma et Grandad. Nous etions un peu stresse a l'idee qu'Oscar devrait se tenir tranquille plus de 2 minutes - ce qui est quasiment impossible (et aussi moi, de savoir que j'allais devoir faire une lecture en anglais devant un auditoire 100% anglais!).
On Easter Sunday, we christened Oscar in Cottingham's church, close to Grandma and Grandad's. We were a bit stressed to think that Oscar would have to stay quiet for more than 2 minutes - which is barely possible (and I was also stressed myself because I was goind to read a text during the mess in a church full of English-speaking people!).

Nous voila prets - We are ready:

Et voici en images la ceremonie: l'eau (Oscar a essaye d'attraper le pot!), puis l'huile, puis le vetement blanc, puis le cierge (qui a captive Oscar) et enfin la photo avec sa Marraine, son Parrain et le Pere Corcorane. Tout s'est bien passe car l'eglise etait pleine d'enfants et ils pouvaient se promender et jouer comme ils voulaient. Il y avait aussi un groupe de musique que Oscar a adore.
Here below the pictures of the ceremony: the water (Oscar tried to grab the jar!), then the oil, then the white cloth, then the candle (which captured Oscar's attention) and finally the picture of Oscar with his Godmother, Godfather and Father Corcorane. Everything went fine especially because the church was full of kids and babies, who could walk and play as they liked. There was a band as well which Oscar loved.

Apres la ceremonie, nous sommes alles dejeuner au restaurant ou une belle table nous attendait et ou nous nous sommes tous regales de specialites anglaises (meme Papy a aime)!
After the ceremony, we went for lunch to a restaurant where a well-dressed table were waiting for us and where we enjoyed a very nice and typically British meal (even Papy liked it)!

De retour a la maison, nous avons savoure le traditionel "Christening cake" prepare et decore par Grandma (merci!). Oscar a joue avec sa toute nouvelle tire-lire et il a adore les bulles de savon!
Back home, we enjoyed the traditional christening cake prepared and decorated by Grandma (thanks!). Oscar played with his brand-new piggy bank and he loved when I blew bubbles!

Tout ca pour clore une tres belle et memorable journee!
Everything to end a very nice and memorable day!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Lovely Vero, Thank you. You have been very busy all afternoon.
Love Anne