
Visite de Nadia - Nadia's visit

Oscar a ete ravi de recevoir la visite de sa copine Nadia, nee il y a presqu'un an ici alors que ces parents Dave et Sarah, vivant a Londres, etaient en weekend chez nous. Elle etait en plein forme!
Oscar was very pleased to have Nadia's visit, who was born nearly one year ago here in Holland, when her parents Dave and Sarah who live in London, were at home for a weekend visit. She was in top form!

Nous avons la meme photo prise l'annee derniere mais Nadia etait encore cachee!
We have the same picture from one year ago but Nadia was hiding at that time!

Les 2 comperes se sont bien amuses ensemble!
The 2 friends played well together!

Nous avons pu profite du beau temps pour un repas dehors.
We could enjoy the nice weather for a meal outside.

Et quelques jeux dans le parc devant chez nous.
And some games in the park in front of the house.

Les 2 papas n'ont pas pu s'empecher de profiter du festival de bieres regionales.
The 2 Dads could resist a tour of the local bier festival.

Meme Nadia etait tentee!

Even Nadia was tempted!

Mais le plus tente, c'etait Oscar qui n'a pas lache Nadia des yeux!

But the most tempted was Oscar who could stop watching Nadia!

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