
Un petit bonhomme bien bavard - A talkative little man

Oscar continue de beaucoup nous occuper: heureusement, Grandma et Grandad sont venus nous aider pendant quelques jours. Il nous a bien fait rire: quand il telephone, quand il fait les vitres, quand il est comme hypnotise par la tele (meme si Grandad en a eu marre apres 5 fois les "Minous" dans la journee - traduction "Les aristochats"), quand il veut aider a porter sa poussette dans les escaliers et quand il se fait un look d'enfer avec les lunettes de soleil de Grandad!
Oscar continues to keep us busy. Fortunately, Grandma and Grandad came to help us for a few days. He likes to keep everybody amused: when he's on the phone, when he's cleaning the windows, when he's hypnotized by the television (even though Grandad gets fed up by the 5th viewing in one day of "The Aristocats"), when he helps carry his buggy up the stairs, and when he's modelling Grandad's sunglasses!

Il nous fait aussi beaucoup rire (enfin on essait de rire et de ne pas s'enerver!) quand il ne veut que manger du pain et qu'il se fait prier pour rester assis sur sa chaise, quand il detecte immediatement que je veux prendre une photo et se jette sur l'appareil et que donc tout cliche naturel est exclu... bon d'accord, on craque quand meme a la fin quand on l'entend dire "crocodile"!
He also keeps us amused (well, we try to laugh rather than cry!) when he won't eat anything apart from bread, when he refuses to stay in his high chair, when he sees that we want to take a photo and immediately throws himself at the camera so that any natural poses are impossible..... But we have to chuckle when we hear him trying to say his latest work - "crocodile"!

(Ce n'est qu'un echantillon de son vocabulaire - trilingue s'il vous plait - s'elargissant tous les jours: birds, cafe, gaan, couvercle, pantoufles, blue shoes, beker, cuillere, etc...).
(It's just a small sample of his latest vocabulary - trilingual, if you please - which is increasing every day: birds, cafe, gaan, couvercle, pantoufles, blue shoes, beker, cuillere, etc....).
Mais par dessus tout, Oscar aime trinquer en disant "Cheers!" et on a eu recemment l'occasion de trinquer a l'anniversaire de son Daddy, pour lequel Oscar avait prepare un de ses plus beaux dessins ("mooie" veut dire beau pour les non-hollandophones):
But more than anything else, Oscar loves to raise a glass and say "Cheers!", and he recently had chance to practice for Daddy's birthday, for which Oscar had prepared one of his best works of art ("mooie" means nice, for the non Dutch speakers):


Nadia Elise Connelly said...

Merry Christmas Oscar...hope you get spoilt rotten! Lots of love xxx
ps. my daddy said its ok to like snowball (the drink) again so your daddy can have one without feeling a bit poncey this Christmas

Rosa Sofia Connelly said...

Hiya...and a Merry Christmas from me - I've not met you yet, but I hear from my folks that you are dead cool, and like to travel, so I hope to meet up with you soon. Lots of love to you and your mum and dad xxx