
Un dernier apercu avant le grand jour - Last preview before the big day

J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir beneficier d'une 3eme echo au travail, comme Philips fait des echographes... et nous etions ravis du resultats! Regardez ces magnifiques images du petit dernier... un peu serre c'est sur, mais on devine deja le nez des Filliat et le menton des Rodary! On verra s'il aura lui aussi les yeux des Tordoff!

I was lucky enough to get a 3rd scan at work as Philips is making ultrasound machines... and we were happy with the results! Look at these beautiful pictures of the latest addition to the family... he is a bit squashed already but we can already guess the nose from the Filliat family and the chin from the Rodary family! We will see later if he's got the blue eyes of the Tordoff family!

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