
8 kms a pied... - 8 km walking...

Cette annee encore, nous avons fait la Molex Walk: c'etait la 1ere fois pour Oscar. Il a pu marcher bien sur mais aussi tranquillement admirer le paysage dans sa poussette ou essayer le sac a dos, qu'il n'a que moyennement apprecie! Il a ete ravi parce qu'on a pu faire nos 8 kms avec le beau chien blanc d'une collegue de Mark!
This year again, we took part in the Molex Walk: it was the 1st time for Oscar. He could walk but also nicely enjoy the scenery in his pushchair or try the back-pack, but he did really enjoy it! He was glad we could walk the 8kms with the nice white dog of Mark's colleague!

1 comment:

Nadia Elise Connelly said...

8km? You having a laugh? I can't even manage 8 cm yet! Nice dog, mind. Hope you are enjoying the lovely summer weather xx