
Retour sur l'ete/Flashback on the summer: NYK Hikawamaru

Nous sommes de retour apres un tres long silence, desolee... l'ete a ete tres charge et croyez-le ou non, officiellement l'ete le plus chaud au Japon depuis plus d'un siecle: quelle chance! On est encore en pleine chaleur, avec invariablement, 25-28 degres le matin et 33-35 degres l'apres-midi, et bien sur l'humidite en prime! Vivement l'hiver!

We are back after a very long period of silence, sorry... but the summer was quite busy, and believe it or not, officially the hotest summer in Japan since more than a century: how lucky we are! We still have very hot weather, with daily 25-28 degrees in the morning and 33-35 degrees in the afternoon, and with high humidity as well! We can't wait for the winter to arrive!

Debut Juillet, nous avons enfin visite le paquebot qui est amarre de facon permanente dans le Yamashita Park (juste a cote de chez nous): le NYK Hikawamaru, c'etait tres impressionant. Il a fait la liaison Yokohama-Seattle pendant des decennies et a servi de bateau hopital pendant la guerre. Pour plus de details cliquez ici (en anglais).

Early July, we finally visited the ferry boat which is permanently next to the Yamashita Park (very close to where we live) called NYK Hikawamaru, it was very impressive. It was used to go from Yokohama to Seattle for years and was used as hospital ship during the war. For more, click here.

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