
Nouveaux visiteurs! - New visitors!

Nous etions ravis de recevoir pour le weekend Jim et Emma et leurs 3 enfants, Billy, Tom et Louise.
La maison etait bien pleine mais tout le monde s'est bien entendu et on a pu profite un peu du beau temps pour aller se promener dans le centre de Guildford. Et le dimanche, nous avons battu notre record, nous etions 12 a table! Dave, Sarah, Nadia et Rosa sont venus passes l'apres-midi pour pouvoir voir Jim et Emma et BLT!
A notre tour d'aller passe un weekend a Worcester maintenant!

We were delighted to have Jim, Emma and their children Billy, Tom and Louise for the weekend.
The house was rather full but everybody got on well and we could enjoy some nice weather. We went for a quick tour around Guildford city centre. On Sunday, we beat our record, we were 12 for lunch! Dave, Sarah, Nadia and Rosa came to spend the afternoon with us all,  especially to see Jim, Emma and BLT!
We will definitely have to visit Jim & Emma in Worcester sometime soon!



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