
Sankei-en Garden - Jardin Sankei-en

Dimanche 18 avril, nous sommes alles visiter le jardin Sankei-en, qui se trouve pas loin de chez nous. C'etait vraiment magnifique. Il faisait assez beau, pour une fois! Oscar s'est bien promene, et il a vu des poissons (enormes!), des tortues, des femmes habillees en kimono traditionnel. C'etait tres verdoyant et tres paisible (sauf tout le bruit que faisait d'Oscar!). Ce jardin traditionnel japonais a ouvert au public en 1906 et a ete cree par un riche marchand de soie. Il a fait venir les batiments que vous voyez de Kyoto et d'autres villes du Japon, batiments datant du 17eme siecle! Beaucoup d'entre eux sont classes au patrimoine japonais. Pour plus de details voir http://www.sankeien.or.jp/pdf/guidemap_french.pdf.
On Sunday 18th April we went to visit the Sankei-en Garden, which is not far from where we live. It was really beautiful. For once, the weather was quite nice! Oscar enjoyed walking around, and he saw lots of fish (massive ones!), turtles, and women dressed in traditional Japanese kimono's. Compared to a lot of other places we have visited, it was very green, and very peaceful (apart from all the noise made by Oscar!). This traditional japanese garden was opened to the public in 1906 and was created by a rich silk trader. He bought and had the buildings transported all the way from Kyoto and other cities, these buildings having been constructed in the 17th century! Many of them are classified as part of the Japanese national heritage. For more info see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sankeien .

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