
Profiter, aussi en Auvergne - Enjoy, also in the Auvergne

Notre 2eme semaine de vacances s'est donc passe en Auvergne, ou Oscar a retrouve ses cousin et cousine, Raphael et Irene, avec grand plaisir, Tonton et Tata, ses Memes et bien sur Papy et Mamie. Ils ont ete un peu surpris au debut car Oscar a mis un jour avant de completement integrer que nous etions dans un environnement francophone: il continuait de parler anglais... puis il s'est vite adapte. L'emploi du temps de la semaine etait tres charge avec de nombreuses visites et meme un mariage comme vous allez le voir, mais on a quand meme pu profiter de La Collange.

We spent our 2nd week of holidays in the Auvergne, where Oscar could see again his cousins Raphael and Irene, Uncle David & Auntie Gaelle, his great-grandmas and obviously Papy and Mamie. They were all a bit surprised at the beginning as Oscar didn't quite realized that we changed to a French-speaking environment: he was still speaking English... but then he adjusted himself quite quickly. Our planning for the week was pretty tight with lost of visits and even a wedding as you will see, but we still managed to enjoy being in La Collange.

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